ESMO 2024: Cora Sternberg video intervista

ESMO 2024: Cora Sternberg video intervista

ESMO 2024: Presentazione della dott.ssa Cora Sternberg sulla sopravvivenza libera da eventi (EFS) come endpoint surrogato per la sopravvivenza complessiva nel cancro alla vescica muscolo-invasivo.

ESMO 2024  intervista alla dott.ssa Cora Sternberg, cliccare sul link per vedere la video intervista in inglese:

Esmo 2024: Event-Free Survival as Surrogate Endpoint in Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Research - Cora Sternberg

Cora Sternberg discusses her presentation on event-free survival (EFS) as a surrogate endpoint for overall survival in muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Dr. Sternberg explains the study's methodology, which analyzed 15 clinical trials evaluating neoadjuvant treatments followed by radical cystectomy. The research demonstrates a strong association between EFS and overall survival, supporting EFS as a valid surrogate endpoint. This finding could potentially expedite regulatory and reimbursement decisions for new therapies. Dr. Sternberg stresses the importance of this approach given the rapidly evolving treatment landscape in bladder cancer, which has led to longer survival times. The discussion highlights the potential benefits of using EFS for accelerated drug approvals while acknowledging the need for ongoing reassessment as treatments continue to improve. Dr. Sternberg stresses the study's significance for both investigators and regulatory agencies in advancing bladder cancer research and treatment.

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